兎 ― BUWUNNIE since 2023 RUNNING ON ♡

Welcome to my own little corner of the internet! loveingly coded and stitched together by dollie. i started coding back in 2015 on tumblr, making my own personal themes for my roleplay blogs. it's since become a passion and creative outlet for me. this page serves as my own lil cozy room here on the web!

this site contains animations and flashing images ( i do try to keep this to a minimum ) but please do keep this in mind while exploring. i am constantly updating and working on things here, as such certain links or pages may become broken. feel free to send me a message @ buwunnie on tumblr if you notice anything that isn't working.

Updates !!

01.26.24 revamped my about page.

01.25.24 added music box by https://adilene.net/. further cleaned up homepage code. cleaned up assests folder. moved most code into visual studio code.

01.25.24 did a huge overhaul on the css and html for the landing page with some minor aesthetic changes.

01.14.24 continued filling out the code for the about page, as well as adding aesthetic updates to the about page and landing page.

01.14.24 built several new skeleton pages; the entry page, the landing page, and the about me page.

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0.0.0 text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here.

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( code with love by DOLLIE 2023-2024 . last updated 1/23/24 . best viwed on desktop / screen size 1920 x 1080 )